Thursday, November 24, 2005

Nun Danket Alle Gott...

Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices
Who wondrous things has done
For whom the world rejoices
Who from our mother's arms
Has kept us on our way
And wondrous things has done...

That's all I remember, and I'm too lazy to get up and find the hymnal. ;-)
It's really a pity that I haven't quite learned Karg-Elert's "March on Nun Danket" would be very fitting. Fun piece to play as well.

I got about 15 hours of sleep last night...went to bed really early since I felt like crap, and got up in time for thankgiving brunch. Yep, we eat our thanksgiving dinner for breakfast. Saves the need for food later on in the day. Got about 1/3 of my 10 page paper on Mozart's Requiem done as well. Let's see how long I can keep the bullshit up...going on and on about how Mozart was a genius, and his magnificent use of the Doctrine of Affections, etc.

This may sound a bit pitiful, but right now I'm most thankful that there is no school for 4 days, giving me ample time to get my homework done AND procrastinate a bit. Make that a lot. Maybe I'll think of something really deep later. Or not. Pretty much all my deep thinking has gone into the Requiem paper, which is starting to have vestiges of a theological treatise as well.


Blogger Unknown said...

I would go on about what a geek you are, but you're too cool for that. ;)

5:18 PM  
Blogger Orycteropus Afer said...

Maria, did you catch "The Rest of the Story" at Aardvark Alley?

9:09 PM  

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