Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Shuttle Launch

This morning, at 10:38 am, I was on the roof of the UF Physics building watching the shuttle go up. What with that dust storm from Africa currently covering the state of Florida, the glare from the sun was awful. However, I did manage to see it (barely) - a small jet trail. The fires from the engines were visible as a bright spot, like a star. It curved up into the sky, quite low (I would guess about 30 degrees from the horizon), and then just disappeared. Interesting sight, though nothing compared to the time my family went down to Cape Canaveral and watched the shuttle launch. I wish NASA would do a night launch while I live here; I've been told they're quite impressive, and much more visible.

On another note, I think that God is angry at Florida for some reason. First a ridiculous hurricane season, then blistering heat with the humidex at 105, and now this. A dust storm. A DUST STORM. The sky is all hazy and dirty looking. At least the sunset should be interesting.


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