The Theotokos Mary is probably one of the most controversial saint in the Church. From the Romans who bow down to statues of her, to the Jack Chick types who condemn her as some type of false goddess. Whatever the responses though, she is given an important position in Scripture, beginning with the angel (Hail Mary...). However, we are not to focus on her for her own sake, but that she points to Christ. In Scripture, the few mentions we have of Mary, she is always pointing to her Son. In this way, the most common icon of Mary shows her holding the infant Jesus on her lap, and pointing to Him.
That is what the title "Mother of God" is all about. It is not to elevate Mary to a position higher than God, but to point to Christ Himself, showing that He was indeed a man, and not simply a spirit appearing as a man. It is unfortunate today that so many today have so little respect for Mary, and so little knowledge of the reasons behind her titles. (The utter disrespect of tradition in the modern church is frightening.)
Honor Mary. But above all, honor her Son.