Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I'm bored. I've also had someone tell me that Cyrillic letters look like gibberish. Put them together, and you get this post. You now have no excuse.


a = ah
e = eh
i = ee
o = oh
ю = you
и = "i" in "sit"
й = y (hard sound)
є = yeh
ї = yee
у = oo
я = yah


Б,б = b
в = v
г = voiced "h"
ґ = g (rarely seen)
д = d
ж = zh
з = z
к = k
л = l
м = m
н = n
п = p
р = r
с = s
т = t
ф = f
х = h (voiced as in "Bach")
ч = ch
ш = sh
щ = shch
ц = ts


ь = "soft sound" - works rather like the symbol above the n in "El nino". Used together with a consonant.

Of course, once you get into cursive script, the letters look completely different. ;-)


Blogger TKls2myhrt said...

So, can I translate my name now? I don't have Cyrillic letters installed on my computer, but can you write my name for me? It's Theresa. (TK from Tabletalk). Good job on the blog, Maria. Since you've mentioned that Elijah Wood is "hot", I am much more reassured that you are truly a teen. That is something my daughter would say, although about the Legolas guy (forgot his name).

4:29 AM  
Blogger Maria said...

Your name would be written "Тереза". Legolas is Orlando Bloom. =P

4:29 PM  

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