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Thursday, December 21, 2006
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Reformed Blogs
Hey Mel...
I like the pic. Saw that you've been having it tough at TCL (yes, I poke my nose in once in a while, under my alter-ego). Hope you've been able to settle down. Not sure exactly what happened, as a lot of the posts got deleted, but you know I support you. What DaRev said to you was wrong, immoral, unpastoral, and just plain mean.
I was of half-a-mind to jump in and say something, but you know me -- I would have let everything rip and then you would have had to ban me or something. ;-)
Quite pretty, young lady. As for what my astronomically named predecessor in the comments said, I must echo him. I pray that all goes well with you and hope that you'll again be blessing us with some of your insightful writing.
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